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Showing posts from January, 2015

Ski House

You know how there are times or experiences in life that you look back on and think to yourself that you felt literally the happiest that you've ever felt?  I feel like we all have these. Summer Camp was one of those for me.  Another one was Ski House. When I think about Ski House now, it is with a deep sense of nostalgia, even though these experiences only happened a few years ago.  Yet, there was something about this period of about 5 years, each winter, that fulfilled every concept that I understand as true happiness.  Reminiscing about Ski House now makes me feel quite sad, because it's one of those situations that simply cannot be repeated - like anything great and worth remembering. I would like to share it with you. Let's talk about the 3 hour ride up to ski house with Greg and Danielle Stamm in the XTerra. The ride would always begin with a text message indicating at what hour I could expect the Stamms to show up outside my door in Brighton.  I'...