So, I've been unemployed for a few months. Mostly, it sucks, but there are parts of it that have been really fun, relaxing and introspective. I'd actually recommend it to anyone at least once. I think it's important to realize that life doesn't end, even if your job does. Anyway, I wanted to share with you some interesting things that I have learned during my unemployment. There are lot of people out there who have vaginal mesh problems. Being unemployed means that you can watch a lot of TV in the middle of the day if you so choose. If you're like me and you don't have cable, you end up flipping through the lame, major network channels. TV ads in the middle of the day are really, really depressing because you realize that they are basically aimed at people who are not working and have issues. Apparently, a very popular issue has to do with vaginal mesh. Now, I don't even know what vaginal mesh is...but I can tell you that if you had it insta...