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Showing posts from April, 2013

Commenting on my posts - it's now a reality

It has come to my attention that it is difficult to make comments on my blog. I checked the settings and realized that I had it on some stupid setting that made it hard to comment. I have changed the setting, so I'd love for you to comment when you have thoughts. I KNOW ya'll are reading the blog because I can see how many of you there are. Thank you very much. KayOS

The Great Baby Debate

Hello everyone. There has been something on my  mind for quite some time, and I think it's about time to hash it out with ya'll. Babies I've had several conversations recently with people sans babies who are questioning whether they really want to get themselves into the situation of having babies.  I count myself as one of these people. The problem is that the longer you allow yourself to be sans-baby, the more chances you have to watch how the lives of people with babies change.  As an outsider, you witness the reality of a situation wherein your friends' lives are basically usurped by the baby.  Your own situation, with its privacy, sleeping in, personal time and extra spending money starts to look awfully appealing, and you aren't sure you want to let it go. Maybe this sounds selfish, but I don't see it that way.  I think it's just about what kind of life you want to have. From my perspective right now, here's how I see it. Having a baby, p...

Things I've learned from being unemployed

So, I've been unemployed for a few months.  Mostly, it sucks, but there are parts of it that have been really fun, relaxing and introspective.  I'd actually recommend it to anyone at least once. I think it's important to realize that life doesn't end, even if your job does. Anyway, I wanted to share with you some interesting things that I have learned during my unemployment. There are lot of people out there who have vaginal mesh problems. Being unemployed means that you can watch a lot of TV in the middle of the day if you so choose.  If you're like me and you don't have cable, you end up flipping through the lame, major network channels.   TV ads in the middle of the day are really, really depressing because you realize that they are basically aimed at people who are not working and have issues.  Apparently, a very popular issue has to do with vaginal mesh.  Now, I don't even know what vaginal mesh is...but I can tell you that if you had it insta...