Well, it’s been quite a while since I’ve written. Now that I’ve been on vacation for one full week, I feel like my brain has calmed down enough to allow me the time and space to actually reflect. Reflections on Weddings: Here is what I think. I had every intention of being the best wedding planner of all time. I mean, all I do at work is plan out projects and execute them, so how hard could it be? The problem is that there is no practice for wedding planning. Hopefully, you only ever plan for one wedding, so when you do it, it’s your first and last time. I feel like my wedding was just about as perfect as it could have been. I have no complaints. However, in retrospect, there are many things I would change about the planning process itself. Anyway, I don’t feel like doling out advice. There are too many websites for that. I will simply say the following things: 1) The Knot website is poorly designed and d...