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Showing posts from 2015

Dear Sydney, you are not missing out.

Dear Sydney, You are NOT missing out.  You have been trying to not fall asleep for about an hour and a half now.  It is 2am. NOTHING IS GOING ON except me typing this with my thumb.  Everyone in this neighborhood is asleep right now. Your dad is in the other room, snoozing away (goddamn his ever living soul).  The kitties are sleeping all curled up in their beds. Goodnight moon and all that.  So really, there is no reason for you to try so hard to stay awake. You are missing nothing interesting.  I recognize it is my fault for trying to put you down in a drowsy state like the internet told me I should. I should have known better. 1am is no time for sleep training. If I had just effing kept rocking you, you would have been asleep 40 minutes ago.  Stop it with the sighing and the protests when the pacifier falls out of your mouth and GO TO SLEEP.  I promise that all the stuff that you think you're missing out on will definitely not happen tomorrow d...

Things I love about Sydney - Part One of Infinity

Hi Guys, So I've spent a whole lot of time discussing how I feel about pregnancy and the first month of parenting, and let's just say I haven't had a lot of very positive things to say. But, I have my first month with Sydney under my belt now and can honestly say that it feels like she and I have turned a corner together.  Though this morning was not a good example of that, seeing as she pushed out a fountain of poop all over the nursery while screaming at the top of her lungs while I agonized over a sudden bout of flaming red diaper rash.  You guys, the poop came out with such force that I yelped, "OH MY GOD" and had to stand back and watch in horror.  I had no idea her digestive system was so robust. However...that aside, I'd like to say that I *have* been listening to all those people who tell me to cherish these moments because they go by so fast.  And so I'd like to share with you my top favorite things about my tiny new daughter so far.  I've...

"Welcome to Motherhood" - An all encompassing guidance manual

Hi guys,  Thanks to Clive Higgins for his suggestion on the title for this blog post. In this post, I shall attempt to summarize what I have learned so far about new motherhood. Let's start though, with the fact that I'm tired.  I'm bone-deep, in another world tired.  It doesn't matter how much help I get (and I have a LOT of help)...this tiredness makes me feel like I'm not actually here.  I'm really deep inside my head somewhere, sort of swimming up toward the surface.  When people talk to me, I try to find the appropriate words sometimes and they won't come.  I told Ryan the other day that I could probably lie down in the median of the highway, up against the metal divider in the dirty grass with the plastic cups and detritus all around me and fall soundly asleep.  I think maybe it is starting to get slightly better, but I'm unsure.  Really, I should be sleeping now and not writing this blog post.  But it feels so good to do somethi...


Hello Folks, So, I've been debating whether or not to write a blog entry on pregnancy.  I have so many conflicting emotions about sharing my thoughts on this matter.  I worry that I will be judged - because I am learning that pregnant women and parents in general are judged everyone it seems.  Everyone, regardless of whether they have gone through it or not, seems to have opinions on the right and wrong way to be pregnant and raise a child.  I worry about sharing Too Much Information.  I worry that this has all been discussed, ad nauseam and no one really cares what I might have to say on the topic.  Nonetheless, I have so many thoughts, and it feels good to share them with ya'll.  So I'm going to jump on in and do it, judgement be damned! The Obvious This may be an obvious point, but I will say, for the record, that this is basically the most important, biggest life changing event that has ever happened to me.  It feels like my w...

Cats vs. Dogs

I don't know.  I've been thinking about this recently and decided to put my thoughts down on paper. A million people are excited to talk to you about how dogs are better than cats or cats are better than dogs or they are equal or they hate all animals or whatever.  Although...what kind of person hates animals?  I don't know. The point is, I don't believe that one is better than the other.  But, I do firmly believe that there are cat-people and dog-people and that I am a cat-person.  I'd like to discuss this. But first, I did actually read an article on this subject a while ago which made some interesting points on why some people are cat-people and some people are dog-people and I think it made a hell of a lot of sense.  Do I remember what this article said?  Not really.  But it made a lot of sense at the time. Let's get into it. I am a cat person.  I think it may be genetic.  I can remember loving cats since before Andy Sydney...

Ski House

You know how there are times or experiences in life that you look back on and think to yourself that you felt literally the happiest that you've ever felt?  I feel like we all have these. Summer Camp was one of those for me.  Another one was Ski House. When I think about Ski House now, it is with a deep sense of nostalgia, even though these experiences only happened a few years ago.  Yet, there was something about this period of about 5 years, each winter, that fulfilled every concept that I understand as true happiness.  Reminiscing about Ski House now makes me feel quite sad, because it's one of those situations that simply cannot be repeated - like anything great and worth remembering. I would like to share it with you. Let's talk about the 3 hour ride up to ski house with Greg and Danielle Stamm in the XTerra. The ride would always begin with a text message indicating at what hour I could expect the Stamms to show up outside my door in Brighton.  I'...