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Showing posts from 2013

Merry Christmas Ho Ho HO! And thanks to the united postal service for not coming through.

I know I'm not supposed to complain about the USPS, because they are having a hard time and they are attempting to better themselves.  Also, my beloved step-father-in-law was a postmaster.  But, seriously...USPS, get it together.  I ordered poinsettia stamps like 3 WEEKS ago for myself and for my company holiday cards and they still have not arrived.  On your website, you specifically state that it will take 2 days usually, and to leave 2 extra days during the holidays.  But it's been 3 WEEKS.  You've made me look really bad in front of my boss, who I convinced to wait for special poinsettia stamps instead of using the work stamp machine.  And, you made it so that my holiday cards went out way late to my own friends and family, which is embarrassing.  I had to print out stamps at the post office which clearly are not poinsettia stamps.  They are inferior reindeer stamps with barcodes on them. And so now, dear reader, you know why your holid...

Hairy Legs

I remember the first time I was ever called out on my leg hair. I was sitting on a bench, in line to put my buddy tag up on the board so I could go in the water for free swim.  I must have been around 14.  A kid sitting next to me, maybe 11 or 12 looked at me and said, "Gross!  You got hairy legs!"  It was the very first time someone called me on it, and it was the first time I felt ashamed.  Shortly thereafter, my unit went on a field trip, floating down a river on tubes.  I had a crush on Ben Seymore at the time, who was  CIT, and maneuvered myself such that I was in a group of people floating together that included him.  It was kind of cold out, and, sitting in the tube with my legs out of the water, the lovely, downy blonde hair stood on end due to goosebumps.  All I could think about was how Ben Seymore must think I was so gross. When the subject of leg shaving was first broached in my household, my mom told me, in her typical "girls ...

Camp Day

There are two types of people in this world - those of us who have been to sleepaway camp, and those of you who haven't.  People who go to sleepaway camp get it and people who don't are completely baffled and often annoyed when the subject is brought up in mixed company.  I remember a car ride with my brother where we listened to an hour long NPR story about summer camp.  He and I sat in the front seat, enthralled, while his wife and my friend sat in the back seat, slightly irked at being forced to listen. I am not going to spend my time attempting to make you people understand why Camp is so wonderful.  If you never went, you will never, ever understand.  Ever.  If you try to describe to an outsider why it was fun to sleep in a cabin for a month and live out of a foot locker and play sports, they will think it sounds quaint and fun.  But they will not understand that the experience of summer camp is much grander than simply fun and games.  To...

The Hot

Hi Guys, So, Annette wrote me a message that says that she desires a new blog post.  I know.  It's been a while. It makes me feel so special to know that Annette desires to hear what's going on in my head, and, since it's a nice day and since I'm super sore from my bike ride yesterday, I'm going to sit on my back porch and write something. This blog post is about being Hot. However, before I go off on that controversial subject, I'd like to make the following stream-of-consciousness observations. 1) I just tested the tire pressure on my bike tires and it turns out that I rode 16 miles yesterday on flat tires.  No wonder it was torture.  It makes me realize what it is to be a newbie at a sport.  Like, when I go skiing, I have all of the right gear.  I know what to pack.  I know how to put it  on.  I know how to take care of my equipment.  When it comes to biking, I am an IDIOT.  Clearly.  It took me 15 minutes yesterday ...

Commenting on my posts - it's now a reality

It has come to my attention that it is difficult to make comments on my blog. I checked the settings and realized that I had it on some stupid setting that made it hard to comment. I have changed the setting, so I'd love for you to comment when you have thoughts. I KNOW ya'll are reading the blog because I can see how many of you there are. Thank you very much. KayOS

The Great Baby Debate

Hello everyone. There has been something on my  mind for quite some time, and I think it's about time to hash it out with ya'll. Babies I've had several conversations recently with people sans babies who are questioning whether they really want to get themselves into the situation of having babies.  I count myself as one of these people. The problem is that the longer you allow yourself to be sans-baby, the more chances you have to watch how the lives of people with babies change.  As an outsider, you witness the reality of a situation wherein your friends' lives are basically usurped by the baby.  Your own situation, with its privacy, sleeping in, personal time and extra spending money starts to look awfully appealing, and you aren't sure you want to let it go. Maybe this sounds selfish, but I don't see it that way.  I think it's just about what kind of life you want to have. From my perspective right now, here's how I see it. Having a baby, p...

Things I've learned from being unemployed

So, I've been unemployed for a few months.  Mostly, it sucks, but there are parts of it that have been really fun, relaxing and introspective.  I'd actually recommend it to anyone at least once. I think it's important to realize that life doesn't end, even if your job does. Anyway, I wanted to share with you some interesting things that I have learned during my unemployment. There are lot of people out there who have vaginal mesh problems. Being unemployed means that you can watch a lot of TV in the middle of the day if you so choose.  If you're like me and you don't have cable, you end up flipping through the lame, major network channels.   TV ads in the middle of the day are really, really depressing because you realize that they are basically aimed at people who are not working and have issues.  Apparently, a very popular issue has to do with vaginal mesh.  Now, I don't even know what vaginal mesh is...but I can tell you that if you had it insta...

Musings on growing up

The other day, I was in the car with my friends, driving home from the ski house and we were listening to jams from the 90s.  The Spice Girls, "Wannabe" came on and someone asked, "What year is this from?"  I remembered dancing to it when I was a senior in high school, so I estimated 1997. Suddenly, I realized that 1997 was 16 years ago, which means that half of the high school students today WEREN'T EVEN BORN when I was dancing to that song in 1997.  Then, I felt kind of old. Here's a question: How come high school seemed to last forever, but when I think about the past 4 years of my life, they seem to have flown by?  Four years ago, things weren't all that different for me.  I still lived in Brighton.  I still worked at a job and paid bills.  I still went skiing every winter with the same people.  Being 30 isn't all that different from being 34, in reality (except that your attractiveness goes way down on dating websites).  In sum, think...

Ski Boys

A few years ago, I was standing in line for the lift at Wildcat Mountain in New Hampshire, and I said to my lady friends, "You know, I think beards are hot." This elicited quite a response from the group, because normally I am completely into clean-cut guys. I rephrased this by saying, "I mean, I think SKI BOYS in beards are hot." Thinking this was funny and cute-sounding, I later posted this comment on Facebook. Two days afterwards, a senior co-worker came in wearing brand new beard.  He and I were messaging about something work-related and I said, "I think your beard is nice." To which he responded, "...and I can ski." To which I did not respond with anything, because I was completely mortified, remembering that I had friended this person a few weeks back. So then of course I had to awkwardly figure out how to tell him that I did not, in fact, find him attractive in an inappropriate way, but yet still thought he was really cool and was n...

Dear Little Cousin...

Ok, so I know that you probably think I've been neglecting this blog, but I haven't.  I've had so many ideas for entries, but I am paralyzed with fear of offending people or seeming boring.  I know this is lame. I always come around to the following thoughts re: this blog: 1) Why the ef does anyone care what I have to say about anything? 2) Someone has probably written about this before, and probably done it in a much better researched  manner - so, refer to #1. 3) What if A, B, and C totally disagree with me and think I'm a total bitch because I thought that? With that in mind, here are some blog ideas of the past few weeks that I have NOT written: A) Being a grown-up B) Cats vs. Dogs C) Why waiting is good D) Body image and fitness (inspired by my young cuz Riti) E) Fashion and why it's important (inspired by Ryan who claims the opposite to be true) F) Unemployment and finding Kate 2.0 E) Worst dates ever F) Why politics suck If you could please vo...


Let me begin by saying that I read all of the Twilight books and really enjoyed them.  I will further add that the movies were pretty horrible, with the exception of the first one which was cool simply because it came first.  Oh also, I can't stand K Stew and R Patz and Team Jacob and all that crap. However, back to the books themselves.  Many people (rightly) claim that the books are horribly written teen novels, so how the hell did they become so popular?  The people who ask this question have clearly never been a 15 year-old girl with a crush. Never, ever underestimate the power of teenage hormones.  I mean, can't you remember them?  Can't you remember the rush?  I WISH that I could feel a crush as deep as I felt when I was that age.  And now, I will tell you the story of one such crush about a certain young man, B. This is an actual diary entry written about B.  I'll set the scene: I'm lying on my bunk at summer camp, looking out t...